Most of us have lost loved ones. I have 2 uncles, 1 aunt and a grandfather who have passed away, and my husband has lost several loved ones as well. For those of us who have lost loved ones, we long for the encouragement that they are in a happier/better place and are looking down on us.
Chicken Soup for the Soul ~ Messages from Heaven wants to give us that encouragement.
Death takes away the physical presence of our loved ones, but not their spirit. Sometimes they send us signs from beyond, or come to us in dreams or as angels. Sometimes our loved ones visit Heaven but come back because it’s not their time. Your faith will be renewed and you’ll be awed by these miraculous, true accounts.
I’m not one that generally latches on to these types of stories because I’m a little skeptical at times, but I was really encouraged by a few stories that had children involved. Losing a child is probably one of the most horrific things a parent can go through in their life, and knowing that their child will be taken care of after death is something that I believe every parent wishes. These stories allowed the parents to catch a glimpse of what their child would experience and that they would be well cared for my God and the angels. What better comfort is there?
(Check out other Chicken Soup For the Soul posts here)
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Saturday 1st of September 2012
This is a book that I would read with my sons and husband. Our family has lost both my husbands parents, my mother, recently my grandmother and 2 God-children. Death is something that my sons have to deal with FAR too young.
Friday 31st of August 2012
i would give this to a co-worker who just recently lost her husband
Nancy T
Thursday 30th of August 2012
This would be a pass along book that would make it to a few people...I would read it - I lost my Dad when my oldest DD was 18 months old, to my husband - he lost his Dad when our youngest was 8 months old, to my Mom and to my MIL. I have 4 siblings and if they wanted to read it as well it would be passed along to them. :)
Saturday 25th of August 2012
I would give it to my mom.
Wednesday 22nd of August 2012
I would keep this for myself. Still trying to deal with my father's death, been almost 5 years.