Get plenty of sleep. Being well rested is a good way of keeping your body in good working order and ready for any microscopic intruders. Just like regular life irritations, if you are well rested, you can take these on; microscopic intruders are no different.
Get your vitamins. Whether you have an extra orange or you are taking supplemental pills, vitamin C is a must for our Canadian climate. This will boost your immune system and help you take control of the viruses around you.
Living in the prairies of Canada, this tip has come with years and years of scolding from my mother to “dress warm”. Whether you put on a extra sweater, warmer boots or mukluks or get out the scarf toque combo you can be prepared for what mother nature throws at you.
Health Canada estimates 25% of us will get hit with the cold and/or flu this year.
Giveaway Moment:
Valued at over $150 the Shoppers Drug Mart Cold and Flu Defense Kit contains a $50 gift card to use at your local Shoppers Drug Mart, where you can now also get your annual flu shot by walking-in or booking an appointment online at http://shoppersdrugmart.ca/
Open to Canada, excluding Quebec – Enter to win and kick winter in the butt this year.
Sunshine G
Sunday 17th of November 2013
I try to get more vitamins and more sleep.
Tara Knott
Sunday 17th of November 2013
We get our flu shots, wash our hands a lot and carry hand sanitizer with us. I also try to wash hand towels more frequently to cut down on germs :)
Sunday 17th of November 2013
I emphasize hand washing with my kids.... but they bring sicky bugs home anyways :p
Asiya @ Chocolate and Chillies
Sunday 17th of November 2013
Lots of handwashing!
jennifer capin
Sunday 17th of November 2013
lots of hand washing & hand sanitizer