Hey beautiful ladies, how was your week? I have been extremely encouraged with all the support behind Mission Beautiful.
Last week I encouraged you to focus on 1 thing you love about the way you look. Just 1 thing!
How did it go?
I loved this tweet from @alexpominville “I even struck a pose in my full length mirror 😉 #missionbeautiful”
I’ll start the conversation by telling you how my week went. I tried to focus on my body as a whole. Since I am overweight I tend to just say that I love my eyes or my hair, but this week I made a purpose to look at my whole body and say “I am Beautiful”…it was not as easy as I thought it would be, but I did it and felt good about myself!
Here are some things women are saying about Mission Beautiful:
@AMotherhoodBlog says that Mission Beautiful “encouraged me to teach my child more to think beyond the mirror and truly appreciate people for who they are”.
@3psmama says “I am reminded every day of how my body has changed since I had my son. Mommy Moment’s Mission Beautiful is helping me remember that even though my body isn’t perfect, I’m perfectly me and beautiful no matter what!”
@mommyhead7 says “#missionbeautiful has encouraged me to look in the mirror and see my true beauty! So nice to see other women speaking love and building up instead of comparing and tearing down! So excited about it.”
Each week I will feature comments from people who have been encouraged by Mission Beautiful.
What do sticky notes have to do with Mission Beautiful?
This week I have a different challenge for all of us.
I would like us all to smile before we even get out of bed in the morning. A smile is beautiful and I assure you that if you make a point to smile you will feel better about yourself!
Take a sticky note and draw a happy face on it and place it on your ceiling above your bed or somewhere you will notice it (insert giggle here). I know it may sound silly, but it really works…I’ve done it! We will all look even more beautiful with a smile on our face this next week!
So that’s the little encouragement for today. I hope you will come back regularly for our Mission Beautiful posts. Be sure to follow me on Twitter and check out the hashtag #missionbeautiful for daily encouragement and support! You do not have to include me on your tweets, just the #missionbeautiful hashtag which is meant for everyone to use!
Please leave comments here, on Facebook or Twitter and I’ll do my best to help you learn how beautiful you really are!
If you know of any women who need some encouragement in this area, please welcome them here too!
Amy Dell
Monday 18th of April 2011
One of my mottos: What you believe, will be your reality. And no I'm not talking about wishing to win the lottery, and it magically happening because you willed it. I think that the running dialogue in your head will have a direct effect on how you live. So, if you have negative thoughts about yourself on a regular basis, you will treat yourself negatively....I have done the sticky note challenge and it has become a reminder to think positive thoughts about myself. Usually if someone compliments my appearance I shrug it off and offer a few reasons why their compliment couldn't possibly be true. I encountered this situation yesterday at church, I said "Thank-you for your kindness" and left it at that. I still don't feel beautiful, but I really want to stop speading negativity to people that are just trying to be kind. I also have a 19 month old daughter who repeats everything we say and do. That has given me a BIG wake-up call to be a better, more positive, role-model. Setting goals to participate in #missionbeautiful is a good start to changing a lifetime of self-depreciation. *SMILE*
Sunday 17th of April 2011
This is a wonderful thing you are doing! So many women go through life with their self worth attached to their looks. I never became more aware of this when I had a daughter of my own. And I just can't pass that legacy to her. I will be 40 next month...and I feel it. My back hurts all the time. I am out of shape from 3 pregnancies that ended in 3 C sections. For a woman who enjoyed nice toned abs most of her life, it's a hard blow. I love how I feel when I exercise, but it is so hard to find the time these days. Bu this body, as imperfect as it is now, was strong and healthy enough to bear 3 beautiful, healthy children. The world may think I have "let myself go", but to me, my body did not let me down. It did it's job! How can I hate it when it gave me the most precious rewards of my life? And I know as they get older, there will be more time for me. But while I am waiting for that time, I make sure I do not let my daughter catch me grimacing at my flabby abs in the mirror. If there is one thing I do not want her to learn at this young age, it's that the only worthwhile part of her, is the superficial part. So I am up for your challenges! There is so much more at stake than just me learning to love this new body. Little eyes are alway watching!
Monday 18th of April 2011
I'm so glad that you are up for our challenges! I love that our children really do see us with love and not with the shaded glasses we see ourselves with. You are beautiful!
Coleen @hippofatamus
Sunday 17th of April 2011
Thanks for reminding me to look deeper. For a long time I've looked in the mirror and my eyes go directly to my scars. A constant reminder that I have cancer. I am going to put a smiley face sticky note on my mirror so that I will be reminded to see something other than my scars.
Sunday 17th of April 2011
Coleen, I'm so touched by your story. I have read a bit of your blog and already know that you have been through so much. It is often hard to smile when everything around us seems unfair. I want to encourage you to smile and audibly say 1 thing a day that you are thankful for. Even if it is difficult and you are saying it without meaning it, eventually you will begin to believe it, I promise! I also encourage you to continue to seek the right help for your anxiety/depression. It is unfortunate that there is such a stigma attached to it. Being willing to get help shows that you are an amazing woman - you should be very proud of yourself, I am proud of YOU! Every time you look at that sticky note and smile I hope you will remember that I am proud of you and that you should be proud of yourself too! (hugs)
Jessie, Education of Ours
Sunday 17th of April 2011
Putting stickers on my mirror helps ;)
Great challenge!
Sunday 17th of April 2011
Ooh, that is a good idea too, anything to get our pretty faces smiling in the morning!
Sunday 17th of April 2011
I love this! making a sticky this eve:)
Sunday 17th of April 2011
Cora, WooHoo! Come give us an update next week! We'll all be smiling :)