(You can Enter To Win a Lemonade Stand aka Puppet Theater just like this one! ENTER HERE)
Our family friends are moving to Paraguay. My 6 year old is having a hard time with it, so she decided to start saving money to for our family to go visit Paraguay one day (She hopes in 2 years).
Price needed for flights – Approx $5,944
Her first project…A Lemonade Stand. Money saved – $8
I wish I had her ambition when I was 6. I’ve learned to never doubt the efforts of a child. They may surprise you!
Thursday 16th of August 2012
cute, she is $8 closer to getting there! lol
Thursday 16th of August 2012
That's such a sweet thing for her to do...$8 is a great start when you're only 6 years old:)
Simply Delicious
Thursday 16th of August 2012
That is so sweet. Your daughter is very smart.
Wednesday 15th of August 2012
Awwww! That is too sweet! :) Cute kidlets you've got! Oh, and I just LOVE your house!!! Gorgeous!!
Jody @ Mommy Moment
Thursday 16th of August 2012
Thanks, I love my house too! It was my grandparents...so many wonderful memories!
Paula Schuck
Wednesday 15th of August 2012
Oh my goodness Jodi! Yes they often surprise me.