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9 reasons why mom friends are great

I’m thankful to have mom friends in my life. Here are 9 reasons why I think they are great.

1) When you tell her you have an appointment, she offers to take your kids because she knows you’d do the same.

2) When she finds a great deal at the store, she tells you about it so you don’t miss out.

3) She pops by unexpectedly with a coffee because she saw on your Facebook wall that you were having “one of those days”.

4) She calls to ask how your kids first day of school was {really to check on how you were because she knows how she felt when it was her in those shoes}.

5) She compliments you.

6) She lets you vent…often.

7) She gives you her honest opinion, even if it’s not exactly what you wanted to hear.

8) She doesn’t panic if a sippy cup leaks on her sofa, or a toy accidentally breaks, because she’s a mom too.

9) She laughs & cries with you.

Tell me a reason why your mom friends are great.

I am a Mom Blogger for the Loblaws Baby and You Facebook page. This post is also being published as a note on their Mom Talk page. Please come by and leave a comment there too!