Attention Canadians, many of us work our regular jobs and pay our taxes and our tax dollars go towards paying our local MP’s salaries. So how would you like the chance to get your local MP to work on a task that would help your local food bank via a great contest with the Chicken Producers of Canada? I thought you would like that. So, let’s get our local MP to work…for a change!
Here is how this contest of going to work:
- You get your local MP to submit his favorite sandwich recipe HERE.
Their recipe, along with every other participating MP are going to have their recipe judged by a panel on the following 3 things:
- Widespread appeal
- Originality
- Taste.
The winning recipe will be served to over 10,000 people at the 20th Annual Great Canadian Chicken BBQ in Ottawa on Canada Day, AND will have up to $10,000 donated to their local food bank.
There will also be a second prize of $5000 and a third prize is $2000; all for their local food bank.
If you are not sure who your local MP is or need his contact information, here is a link to get you started (
And if you need even more assistance and your MP is on Twitter, here is a sample tweet you can use:
(just insert your MP’s Twitter Handle where @ToewsVic is).
Hey @ToewsVic Our local Food Bank needs $10,000. Please submit your chicken sandwich recipe. #WinWithChicken
Ok everyone, lets see how we can get our MP’s to work for our local food banks.
This is a great, simple, and fun contest that your MP can contribute to. Just remind them this closes May 31, 2012. So let’s get our MP’s to work and help our local food banks and remember, Everyone Wins with chicken.
I am participating in the Chicken Farmers of Canada program by ShesConnected. I received compensation in exchange for my participation in this campaign. The opinions on this blog are my own.