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Weclome Kate

I’m thrilled to introduce you to Kate. Kate is joining the Mommy Moment team as a writer. Kate does a lot of her writing late at night when everyone in her house is asleep ~ sounds just like me!

Kate Hayes is the author of, an award-winning blog about the everyday (and out-of-the-ordinary) adventures that come with being a parent. She is a former TV news journalist and public relations/marketing manager currently contemplating her next career move, after the family’s recent relocation to Boston. Kate is the proud mom of Anna and Kellen, two preschoolers who are starting to pick up all of her best habits: a passion for reading and exploring new places, an intense interest in organizing, and a total disregard for sleep.

We hope you will give Kate a warm welcome and enjoy her upcoming posts on Mommy Moment!

We are so happy to have her as part of our team!


Saturday 17th of July 2010



Friday 16th of July 2010

Congrats Kate!


Friday 16th of July 2010

Welcome Kate! Congrats on being on of the people picked!!