Total “SHE” are the initials of owner Kristen Goodman’s three daughters’ names: Sara, Hanna & Emma. Kristen is the owner of Total She, a Canadian Direct Selling / Party Plan company based out of Winnipeg, MB.
Total She specializes in home parties, and offering women the opportunity to stay home with their children while earning some extra income! Many of their lines are designed by & carried exclusively by Total She. These lines include many amazing and unique personalized stainless steel jewellery items and gifts.
I first heard about Total She last Christmas when I received a number of gifts from my mother-in-law. I asked her where she got them and she told me she went to an awesome Total She home party where she purchased many Christmas gifts.
Once I got my own catalogue (You can request a free one or view the Online Catalogue) I could not believe the HUGE selection of items. I personally loved all the items that had the option to be personalized, and of course the fact that it was a local company made me even more excited to purchase from them. I loved the Expanda Wipes (which I ALWAYS carry in my purse), personalized pendants, and the many unique items such as the pouchee.
Take a look at this photo…
One Mommy Moment reader is going WIN this awesome prize which includes some PERSONALIZED items just for you {ARV $400}!
- Personalized Stainless Steel Hockey Stick Pendant / Your choice of colour & design
- Personalized Passport Cover – Your choice of colour & design
- Personalized Eternity Pendant / Your choice of colour & design
- Stainless steel Floating Diamond Pendant
- 18″ Stainless Steel Andi Chain
- Pink Leatherette Pouchee
- Lime Green Card Cubby
- Stainless Steel Darlene Bracelet
- 2 Pairs of Stainless Steel Earrings
- 4 Sheco Reusable bags
- Hair Tassi
- 10 Expanda Wipes in Organza bag
- Tiber River Lime Margarita Bath Bomb
- Tiber River Lime Margarita Body Lotion
- Tiber River Lime Margarita Body Wash
**Need Instructions or Help about entering a Blog Giveaway? Read This!**
Mandatory entry: Visit and tell me the name of another product you think you would like.
(Do any or all of these extra entries. Leave a separate comment for each entry!)
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- Follow @totalshe
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- Digg, Stumble or Google+1 one of my NON- giveaway posts. (2 entries each)
- Blog about this giveaway and link my blog title back to me. (5 entries)
Ends: December 13, 2011 at 9pm CST
Open to CAN & US
Disclaimer: I received product in exchange for this post. As always, the views are my own. I did not receive any monetary compensation from Total She to write this post.
tracey miller
Tuesday 13th of December 2011
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tracey miller
Tuesday 13th of December 2011
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tracey miller
Tuesday 13th of December 2011
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tracey miller
Tuesday 13th of December 2011
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tracey miller
Tuesday 13th of December 2011
hello I would love the Alieta CZ the double leaf