The Stereognostic Bag is a material that is easy for anyone to make, and loads of fun to use. It can be found on many Sensorial shelves, made to exercise and refine the ability to observe and compare shapes that cannot be seen by the eye. All you need is an opaque bag, matching objects, and a curious child. It is always exciting to come up with variations on this material to fit the interests of your children. I have made bags full of shells, blocks, legos, beans, toy cars, animal figurines, buttons, and magnets. All the items don’t need to be in one theme, but sometimes it’s nice to incorporate other areas of study into Sensorial work, like a bag with felt numbers, or alphabet magnets. The more beautiful the objects are, the more little hands they’ll meet!
Before presenting this work, be sure the child has mastered the concept of matching and that mouthing the objects isn’t an issue. First, take out all of the objects from the bag and look at them. After putting them all back in, pull just one out. Using only the sense of touch inside the bag, try to find the matching object. It’s very fun!
Jessie is a Primary Montessori Teacher and Mom to twin three year olds and a five year old. Jessie has a Montessori blog at The Education Of Ours, and can be found on Twitter. See her other Mommy Moment posts here.
Montessori Monday - DIY Montessori Mystery Bags |
Monday 14th of July 2014
[…] The Stereognostic Bag by Jessie from The Education of Ours at Mommy Moment […]
Traveling with Kids – Montessori-Inspired Activities |
Tuesday 16th of July 2013
[...] The Stereognostic Bag by Jessie from The Education of Ours at Mommy Moment [...]
Friday 9th of September 2011
What a wonderful activity, and a fun and easy thing to make. I love the ideas about different themed items- great idea- thanks~April
Deb @ Living Montessori Now
Friday 9th of September 2011
Stereognostic bags were always popular when I was a Montessori teacher and when I homeschooled my kids. They're my favorite way to work with geometric solids, and I love that they have so many other uses as well! Great post, Jessie! Thanks for linking up with Montessori Monday. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page.
Thursday 8th of September 2011
It's also great in the car! It's portable :)