6 skincare tips for cold winter months – In summer, we as women tend to wear cute shorts, skirts and capris pants. Because we are showing off our skin, we want to make sure that our legs are smooth, cleaned up and touchable 😉
However, once winter comes along, and our legs become exposed to the harsher elements, many women choose to keep the hair a little bit longer. I personally know someone, who shaves for the last time when the snow comes and doesn’t shave again until the warm breezes of summer are blowing.

dry legs image via Shutterstock
How about it gals? Do you shave during the winter months? How do you care for your dry legs in winter?
I’m going to be honest with you – I shave less in the winter.
6 skincare tips for cold winter months
#1) DRY BRUSH or exfoliate before you shave – this helps get rid of that extra dry skin and it always feels like I get a closer shave.
#2) YOU DON’T HAVE TO SHAVE EVERYDAY, but when you do shave, choose a good razor that’s right for you (and the job!) – Schick has many great razors that are perfect your for everyday leg, underarm and bikini needs.
#3) BUY A SHAVE GEL as opposed to using a shave cream or soap – Shave cream and soap tend to dry out our skin leaving it rough and in winter that can be problem enough on it’s own. If you are using the Schick Intuition razor you will love the moisturizing bar that lathers, shaves and moisturizes during shaving – in one easy step.
#4) SHAVE WITH WARM WATER (hot water can worsen dry skin) To soften your hair allow the water to soak into your skin for a few minutes before starting to shave.
#5) MOISTURIZE! After shaving use a moisturizer to keep your skin smooth and soft. Even if you are not shaving your legs everyday, it is still a good idea to moisturize daily. You may want to choose a creamier moisturizer during the winter months. Once a week I like to put coconut oil on my legs before applying another moisturizer – it feels like a special hydration treat for my legs.
#6) CHANGE RAZORS/CARTRIDGES OFTEN – We all know that dull blades can cause nicks, bumps, and uncomfortable razor burns.
Do you struggle with extreme leg dryness this winter? What things help you?
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I am part of the Schick Women’s Influencer program. This post was brought to you by Schick.ca – All opinions are my own.
Mary @ Toprew
Thursday 3rd of March 2016
Thank you for the tips
Amy D
Tuesday 9th of February 2016
I have such dry legs about now! These are some great tips to rehydrate my skin!
valmg @ Mom Knows It All
Tuesday 9th of February 2016
I;m also one of those people that doesn't shave often in the winter. I love shave gel, it stays in place so much better than shave cream.
Caroline Fernandez
Monday 8th of February 2016
It is so important to have a good razor. Exfoliating your skin before you shave gives you a nice close shave.
Lisa Bristol
Monday 8th of February 2016
These are great dry skin tips. I am going to buy a dry brush to try this weekend. I like to make DIY body scrubs.