Ring Bling game from Super Duper Publications, is the hand-y game of following directions.
The Ring Bling Game is the perfect motivator for articulation, language, reading or math activities. One to four players choose a card and act out the hilarious directions. Then, they spin the spinner to earn one or more rings for their Happy Hand or give the ring to a friend. The person that earns the most rings wins!
Kids don’t realize they are carefully listening and thinking creatively while pretending. The game includes 50 direction cards with silly sayings like, if you like brownies and bark like a dog.
Playing this game (to win bling) has never been so fashionable!
You can purchase extra rings and hands if you have more little fingers.
1 Mommy Moment reader will WIN the Ring Bling game!
To enter, leave a blog post comment telling us how often you have family game nights.
**Open to Canadian & US Residents**
(All #31DaysOfGifts giveaways will run exactly 3 weeks. Winners will have 72 hours to claim their prizes)
The #31DaysOfGifts is an event run in conjunction with our yearly Christmas Gift Guide. These posts are features of products and do not depict our regular writing style. Items received for Gift Guide features are donated to local charity.
Jessamine D.
Monday 13th of January 2014
We have a family game night once a week. :)
Ginger Leah Gervais
Monday 13th of January 2014
Once a week but needs to be more!
Christy Martin
Sunday 12th of January 2014
It is one of my favorite things to do but it doesn't happen often enough. I tend to have more adult game nights.
katy emanuel
Saturday 11th of January 2014
Every couple of months right now as our daughter is a little young and gets distracted easily. Can't wait until she is a little older and we can do it more often!
angel d
Saturday 11th of January 2014
at least once a week