Our daughters have been away visiting grandma and grandpa for the past 2 days. It is a rare occasion for me to be home without the girls.
Silence, it’s a funny thing.When the girls are home and quiet, it is NOT usually a good thing!
Here is a list of things I’ve noticed myself subconsciously do these past 2 days.
1) Rush to pick up the phone during nap time.
2) Wake up in the morning thinking something is wrong because my youngest has not screamed for her milk.
3) Start making breakfast as soon I wake up even though I’m not hungry yet.
4) While out with dear husband in the evening, feel like I have to rush home for the babysitter.
5) Accidentally call out one of their names.
With one of my daughters going to school full time this fall, and the younger one attending preschool 2 mornings a week, silence will be something I have to get used to.
Does it feel strange to you when the house is quiet?
Practical Parenting
Saturday 3rd of September 2011
I have yet to really experience this! When I drive away with empty car seats...that freaks me out every time! We get used to their sounds and presence :)