New Year’s resolutions are not just for adults.
In fact, your children may have some that they wish to set this year.
New Year’s Resolutions for kids help them learn how to set and work toward goals.
These are valuable skills for all children to develop, so it is a good idea to work with them.
Just keep in mind that your kids may need some help to set goals, especially those that they will be able to stick to.
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You may have to help your children to set easy to attain goals for the new year but there are some that they will be able to come up with on their own.
Take the time to sit down with your children to come up with a few ideas that are age appropriate and realistic.
There are many different goals that can be set for the coming year, just make sure to make suggestions and then allow them to take the lead.
- Keep working hard to achieve good grades in school.
- Keep their bedrooms clean and tidy.
- Pack an extra fruit or veggie in their lunch box.
- Have an open mind about trying new foods.
- Stick to bedtimes to get enough sleep.
- Try a new vegetable.
- Get outside to play every single day.
- Don’t argue about homework.
- Help around the house with chores.
- Try to do something kind for someone every day.
- Spend less time staring at a screen.
- Tidy up after themselves.
- Make sure to brush teeth.
- Find a hobby to take part in.
- Try to be nice to people.
- Start a journal (or a mother-daughter journal).
- Resist peer pressure.
- Read every day.
- Invite friends over to play games.
- Bring a water bottle to school and try to drink at least 2 of them before school is over.
Now is the best time to start looking forward to the coming year.
In fact, setting New Year’s resolutions with your kids is a great way to bond with them and learn more about their hopes and dreams.
Just remember, it is extremely important to be realistic and encourage them to set age appropriate goals that are attainable.
In no time, your children will have set new years resolutions that they will be both motivated to work towards and proud of themselves for achieving, teaching them valuable new skills.
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Tara Robertson
Tuesday 18th of December 2018
great list! I especially like the trying new foods one.
Carole Dube
Tuesday 11th of December 2018
I think New year resolutions are great, I like to set new goal for myself. I think children should have them too.
kathy downey
Tuesday 11th of December 2018
What a wonderful post I think I will have a talk about this post with my granddaughter on the weekend.Thanks for sharing !
Jennifer Wilson
Monday 10th of December 2018
I like resist peer pressure, tough one but a good one.
Lynda Cook
Monday 10th of December 2018
This is a great post, I imagine kids would like to make resolutions as well!!