I honestly can’t get over how much stuff we have. This coming July we are tearing the attached summer kitchen off our house to add on a family room. Since we use the summer kitchen mainly for storage at this point I have had to go through it before it gets moved.
My friend is having a yard sale and offered that I could bring some stuff, so I quickly got some stuff together to clear out of my house.
Tuesday 5th of June 2012
All my review clutter goes to our local home for abused kids or the Salvation Army base. It's crazy how quickly everything piles up!!
Jody @ Mommy Moment
Tuesday 5th of June 2012
That is a great way to get rid of stuff!
Monday 4th of June 2012
nothing like kids sales and garage sales to help get out the excess, eh? And renos, they work, too! I'm putting about in my office. I need to empty out a desk to make space - slowly but surely. I'll link up later this evening when I'm done today's foray. Love the inspiration of Minimize Monday!