Another week has passed and this week I was on a mission.
I started the process of organizing my basement and came across these old shelves that really were not serving any purpose at all. I still have a lot to go through down there, but I was glad to get a good start by getting rid of these!
I quickly got them out of the house and decided it was time to put some boxes into the recycling…not sure why I always think I need to hold onto boxes!!
Audrey's mom
Monday 19th of March 2012
This week my plan is to pull out the clothing I put aside for little sister. Organize, get rid of too old or too small items. Then have a plan to get through the summer without buying any more clothing!
Katrina Brady
Monday 19th of March 2012
Great job! I got out of the basement this week. Took a look in my bedroom junk drawer lol
Deborah / Mom2Michael
Monday 19th of March 2012
Yay for getting rid of the boxes. Hubs has our crawlspace filled with them.