At times, I fall into the trap. I start to plan adventures in my mind. I try to coordinate all of the little day trips that we rarely get to take because my husband isn’t known for taking days off.
I think in terms of family days…
We should get to the zoo before it gets too hot…
We should see the new penguins at the Aquarium…the day the exhibit opens…
We should get to the car museum, the art museum, the dinosaur exhibit, and the butterfly pavilion….
We get motivated early, pack our lunches, and head out the door before most people have finished their morning coffee.
We intend to make the most of this precious family day.
And, for the most part, we do. Until the meltdowns start. Because baby boy is only 3, and really needs his nap. And big girl has zillions of allergies and can’t eat out much…but really wants that grilled cheese at the museum café.
And so we quietly make our exit, discussing the amazing and interesting things we saw. We play games along the way home to keep everyone awake and engaged (because a ten minute car nap is never, ever enough)…
Name that truck…
How many trees can you count?…
Let’s find cars for each color of the rainbow (purple stumps us, every time)…
At last we arrive home, have some rest time, and regroup.
And then we decide to just play in the backyard for the afternoon. We had a busy morning…we would rather just stick close to home.
We catch and release butterflies…
We build a construction site in the garden…
We water the plants…
We pick tomatoes and lemons and basil to add to our dinner…
We play chase, tag, and Duck, Duck, Goose…
We laugh, squeal, and giggle…
We just have fun.
And that’s when it hits me: The magical moments that we experience as a family are not the photographic moments or the moments that require travel, planning, and getting home in time for a nap.
The magical moments are the ones that happen while we are busy playing together, enjoying our home, and just being still.
The magical moments consist of worms, dirt, flowers, and small discoveries of great wonder.
The magical moments have been here all along…
And we’ve captured them with our minds and our hearts.
What magic will you make this week?
Thursday 5th of July 2012
Awhhh...this is awesome and as a mom of grown kids let me assure you the most memorable occasions are those when you are all together and having fun...the location is irrelevant!!
Thursday 5th of July 2012
I completely related! I actually recently wrote a post about how I find I need to plan or else summer contains no memories. I love this post!
Thursday 5th of July 2012
Love this post! So so true! I dont know how many times we have planned grand adventures, which yes are fun and we will always remember, but its those moments at home, or even in a hotel room, that mean so much.