Just hear those Twitter bells Twittering
Tweet, Tweet twing-a-ling too
Come on it’s #MagicSanta ‘s time
To come and Twitter Party with you!
Outside the snow is falling
And Tweeps are Tweeting yahoo!
’Cause #MagicSanta ‘s coming with giveaways for you!
Tweet it up, Tweet to all,
and Retweet let’s go!
#MagicSanta ‘s comin’ you know!
It’s time to create some Magic Santa videos
Tweet your friends, Tweet them all,
And Retweet the news
Many Toys R US Gift Cards to give…
Tweeps come along, Tweet it on, #MagicSanta Twitter Party is on!
The prizes are nice and plenty, so perfect for many it’s true
December 9th Tweet together, for a Twitter Party with #MagicSanta and you
A Magic Santa video is what you’ll want to create,
Come on go make a video, your loved ones will think is great!
Join the party #MagicSanta has in Twitterville
It will be just perfect with Toys R Us Gift Cards to give
So Tweeps let’s Tweet, and Retweet freely without pausing or stop
Join #MagicSanta December 9th tons of prizes for you to shop till you drop.
There is a happy feeling a Magic Santa video makes
A special message Magic Santa can help you create
You’ll see a wondrous smile, hear a laugh or shout out with glee
These wonderful things are the things we remember for the rest of our lives
So Tweet your Friends, Tweet them all,
Please Retweet this major news
December 9th #MagicSanta ‘s having a Twitter Party for you!
Who: Open to residents of Canada
What: #Magicsanta Twitter Party featuring $750.00 in Toys R US gift cards
Where: On Twitter (feel free to use the platform of your choice)
When: December 9th, 2012 at 9PM Eastern Standard Time (8PM CST)
Why: Because #MagicSanta is comin’ to Twittertown!!
How: The winners are selected by a program that randomly picks among those who are at the #MagicSanta Twitter Party.
You must make a #MagicSanta video and be following the host, co-hosts and sponsors Twitter Accounts before or during the party to be on the list used to select the winners.
Hashtag: #MagicSanta
Host: @MommyMomentBlog
Co-Hosts: @mommykatandkids @momvstheboys {host & co-hosts hired for this party through @enCompassCA}
Sponsors: @Sympatico, @toysruscanada (don’t forget to like them on Facebook too)
Bring the Magic of Christmas to Life with Magic Santa!
It’s a precious moment for you, a very special gift for children of all ages because making a Magic Santa video for your loved ones brings the magic of the holidays to life!
Magic Santa is a magical place: It’s where Santa Claus awaits! Magic Santa will help you create an enchanted Christmas video with a loved one’s name, photo and a personal message too… Then in the time it takes to jingle some bells…
…Magic Santa sends his gift! A personalized video message for your little one from Santa Claus himself!
Magic Santa is free for all to use and enjoy! By entering simple information about the person, you’ll bring Santa to life this Christmas season!!
Magic Santa’s personalized videos are for children of all ages. Surprise that special someone or someones in your life, whether they be family, friends or even colleagues!
And remember everyone, #MagicSanta speaks French too! Pour ceux et celles qui préfèrent recevoir un message en français, visitez le Père Noël ici : perenoel magique
Full rules and regulations
enCompass Media
Sunday 9th of December 2012
Count me in.
Sabrina T
Sunday 9th of December 2012
I've been waiting for the first snow to share the Magic Santa video with my LO. We've just watched it and now I'm feeling the Christmas magic :D
amie pepper
Sunday 9th of December 2012
I would like to RSVP for for tonight..
thank you
Lori L. - @Miss_Elles
Thursday 29th of November 2012
All signed up & my video has been created!
Just one thing - the @toysruscanada Twitter page hasn't had any tweets since 2011, should we follow the main @toysrus account instead or that for US only? Can't wait for the party! :D
Jody @ Mommy Moment
Friday 30th of November 2012
I was told @toysruscanada :)
darla h
Thursday 29th of November 2012
Last year, This was my first twitter party ever! Time flies!
Jody @ Mommy Moment
Thursday 29th of November 2012
That is awesome! I'm glad you are coming back for the party this year too!!