With a daughter who has suffered for years with GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) and puked too many times a day to count I counted on Lysol to keep things clean!
I’m sorry if that is a bit graphic, but when you have a child who gets sick about 13 times a day you really need to find cleaning products that work. We bought a vehicle with leather seats so the clean up from any drive would be much easier. LYSOL Disinfecting Wipes were also a must. When you have a sick child there are things you just do as a mom!
For new mom’s Lysol is is providing information on their website to assist with the new bundles of joy. This resource is a great place when you are in need of parenting tips for your little ones. There is wonderful information which includes quarterly news letters and even forums where new moms can post questions and respond to other mom’s questions. As a parent I can appreciate this very much. Reflecting back on being a new parent, and those 4 years of non-stop puking, I realize how having a place to look for help or simply vent would have been a great resource.
Lysol is also also doing there part in following your children as they grow and attend school. To start this program Lysol is developing several programs that will reward schools that have good attendance records. Lysol will also assist schools in developing curriculum for their school. The curriculum is developed in conjunction with pediatrician and mom, Dr. Laura Jana. School, please pay close attention to this as more will be announced later in 2012.
Lysol is also partnering Save The Children to provide aid when it is needed. Then disaster strikes, Lysol and Save The Children will be there to assist in disastrous times when emergency supplies are needed.
Being an ambassador for Lysol and knowing that Lysol is doing this good work for so many people has given me a sense of pride. I know that not everyone agrees with using products such as these, but for my family it is a great fit. Lysol has a line of new products coming out that will make cleaning in your home a breeze. These include LYSOL® Fabric Mist (New 2012 product) and the LYSOL® Healthy Touch® No-Touch Hand Soap System. I would recommend you check these products out and pop by Lysol.ca to read more about their Mission For Health too!
Our daughter has overcome her GERD, but still deals with an extremely sensitive gag reflex. I am so thankful the vomiting is only a few times a month instead of 13+ times a day and I’m so glad I have great Lysol products like the Fabric Mist on hand to combat those odors when they arise!
Disclosure: I am part of the Lysol Healthy Families Ambassador Program by Mom Central. I received compensation as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.
Monday 9th of April 2012
How wonderful that she's doing so much better now! When kids throw up, it's so hard on the whole family, especially with all the clean-up it creates! And it is amazing that Lysol has all these programs for families; they've really dedicated themselves to becoming a family brand! :)