When I got the cartoon this week I could not help but think the timing was perfect – I have had a lack of sleep…
Lack of sleep is no joke. This past month our 8 year old daughter has been having a hard time falling asleep at night. Having an over tired child is no fun, but having an over tired mom in the house is not fun either. This past month has brought back so many memories of those times when my baby was teething and could not sleep…just like she grew out of the stage then, I hope this issue of not falling asleep will pass soon too.
If you are a mom who is missing out on sleep, I feel for you. Big hugs to you.
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Cory Graham is married to his university sweetheart and father of two young children. Drawing Carl’s Life cartoons helps him to express that, what comes naturally to most, does not come naturally to all. All of life’s short comings are funny given enough distance and the right angle. Cory’s main philosophy is, “Live life and laugh at it”.
Jaime Brown
Saturday 4th of January 2014
I remember many sleepless nights and it isn't fun at all. I started getting my girls to have a bath and warm milk and would read them a story, well half a story then they were asleep. That worked for me with my daughters, hopefully you will find something to help your daughter and you some much needed sleep:)
blue beanie
Wednesday 30th of October 2013
Perfect cartoon for my brother and sister-in-law, they've just had a newborn, so the coffee maker is running 24/7!
natasha severson
Saturday 26th of October 2013
bahahhah i totally agree... i feel like this cartoon often!!
Elaine Jasvins
Saturday 26th of October 2013
My husband and I joke about how many hours of sleep we have lost raising 3 children. I told him we can make it up when they move out. Seriously, it truely is hard on a person and I hope your daughter outgrows this soon.
Friday 25th of October 2013
I love this cartoon.