I knew a radio broadcaster that often referred to children as “little germ bags”. It’s not that he did not like children, he loved them, he just knew that anything children touched were full of germs. I would have to agree. Looking at my daughters playing outside and the way the come back in, I wonder if there is any dirt or sand left in our back yard. Now before you march them to the bathroom for a bath or scrub down, Lysol wants to you wait (just for a moment) and snap a photo of this “dirty” moment.
Lysol wants to know “Is your kid a kid who touches everything”? If you answer “YES” and your child is the child who “touches everything”, then your school could have a chance to win a $10,000 donation. Simply visit Lysol’s Canada’s Facebook page, like their new contest and show your child’s picture that shows that they do “touch everything”. The winner will receive a cheque for $10,000 for themselves and a $10,000 for the school of their choice. How awesome is that?!?
I can just imagine what my daughters school would do with $10,000… I have no doubt that what they do would be tremendous. They are in the process of finishing up a complete school landscaping project that would provide new play structures for all students at their k-12 school. I know $10,000 would go a long way for better play structures for my girls schools!
Think about what $10,000 could do for your child’s school. Also think about all the pictures you have of your children doing what children do best…getting dirty. Simply snap that pic before they met the Lysol no touch soap dispenser and “like” Lysol Canada’s contest on Facebook.
Happy picture taking everyone, GOOD LUCK!
Giveaway Moment:
For all the readers who enter to win the $20,000 Photo Contest (https://www.facebook.com/lysolcanada/app_340793112681743), you can also enter to win a Lysol No-Touch Hand Soap kit, which includes the dispenser, batteries, and 1 refill using the Rafflecopter form below. (Please be patient, it may take a moment to load).
Disclosure: I am part of the Lysol® Healthy Families Ambassador Program by Mom Central. I received compensation as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.
Teresa McKerracher
Friday 5th of October 2012
bit.ly/ObKGwu My entry is waiting moderation but that is the link.
irene k
Friday 5th of October 2012
I have one in the office, it works well
Thursday 4th of October 2012
Tuesday 2nd of October 2012
Finally got an entry in!! bit.ly/QEtaRN
Laurie B
Tuesday 2nd of October 2012