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Even if you’re the neatest housekeeper in the world, dust is going to accumulate in every room of your house.

It’s going to settle on top of the kitchen cabinets and on top of the refrigerator. It’ll hide on bookshelves, on entertainment centers, and on DVDs. You’ll even find dust in the fireplace.

Every spot in your home is a welcome mat for dust.

When you dust using a regular feather duster, you stir the dust up into the air. No big deal as long as you plan to vacuum after dusting, right? When you dust and stir the dust into the air, you’re releasing bits of skin cells, dust mite carcasses, their feces, and other allergens like fungal spores into the air.

That’s not something you want to inhale yourself or have your kids inhale. By learning to get rid of dust the all-natural way, you can have a healthier home. If you’re using a feather duster, stop.


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Make sure that you have a good HEPA filter vacuum cleaner and vacuum often. Also, use good particle trapping filters in your heating and air system. Using an air purifier can help cut down on dust, too.

But when dust does manage to accumulate, get rid of it by using organic cleaners that repel dust. These are cleaners that will have vinegar as one of the ingredients. The upside to using vinegar-based cleaners is that will also kill dust mites, which offers you even more protection in the battle against dirt and grime.

Organic dusting spray and organic surface cleaners can help keep dust from coming back as often. When you dust, don’t use ordinary cloths or even unbleached cheesecloth to dust with, because these items don’t hold onto the dust.

Instead, use a microfiber magnet cloth that’s designed to hold onto the dust.

If you need to dust a floor, use a wet mop to trap the dust and cut down on the release of dust into the air. You can also use a slightly dampened cloth mop to get the dust off of walls and ceilings.

Make sure that you also use a dust repellent on your furniture, too because upholstery is a place that dust loves to settle. When you dust, always start from the highest point in your home or in a room to the lowest point, and don’t forget to dust the baseboards as well.

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