The holidays are right around the corner. Thanksgiving in Canada is in only 1 1/2 weeks, with the US Thanksgiving in November and Christmas just a few short months away. During these busy holiday times, I find people are hosting more. With hosting comes grocery shopping and the lists can seem like they go on forever. Because these lists are so long, it can be difficult to find the best deal in order to save a little money.
Flipp is an app that can help bring you all the latest flyers and deals so you can find what you want at the lowest/best price. Quickly browse the brands you love, clip items straight to your shopping list, and highlight top deals across flyers. I am in love with this app! There are so many great features that make this a top notch app.
Being a busy mom, I find that meal planning is the best way to keep my family functioning smoothly on busy weeknights. Normally, I sit down with my flyers, page through them to find deals and to see what’s on sale and then write the items down on another piece of paper. With the Flipp app, I can look at the flyers on my phone and clip items directly into a shopping list — one that I can actually SHOP OFF OF!
Finding the flyers for your area is easy and they will be automatically updated each flyer time period.
I simply flip through the flyers, and pick which items I want to clip:
Once I’ve picked these items, they are added to my shopping list and I can use this while I am shopping at stores to remind me which items I want to pick up at each store:
You can also search for an item you are out of or want to buy and Flipp will search your flyers to see which store has it on sale for you:
Flipp is giving Flipp users across Canada the chance to win a special #Flippsgiving prize. Readers who download the app and tweet a Thanksgiving-themed photo – from shopping and cooking, to decorating, serving dinner and more! – or share a helpful holiday savings tip, inspired by their use of Flipp! – will be eligible to win a $250 gift card. To qualify for the prize, each entry, across Twitter (@getflipp) or Instagram (getflipp) – or both!, must include the hashtag #Flippsgiving!
Try the app for yourself and be entered to WIN a $250 gift card. The winner will be announced Tuesday, October 14. Flipp will also be having a Thanksgiving-themed Twitter party on Tuesday, October 7, from 9-10pm EST.
Thursday 2nd of October 2014
I have a question - have you ever used this app in store to use a flyer coupon? I wonder if the cashiers would accept it and/ or can even scan the bar codes?
Lori JB
Wednesday 1st of October 2014
I just downloaded this. It looks like a great app to have. No more losing those shopping lists! Thanks