With Earth Day celebrations happening around the world it’s a good time to start thinking about how we can look after our mother earth. Cleaning up the neighborhood is a great activity for Earth Day, but what about some really easy things you can do right in your home?
2 of the easiest ways to have a more energy-efficient home are:
1) Turn off the lights
2) Check your light bulbs
This may seem too easy or very obvious, but every bit counts! Light bulbs have come miles in the past several years and there are lots of savings in these new style bulbs. I have not always been a fan of CFL’s (Compact Florescent Light bulbs) because of the slow warm up and lack of light. However GE has improved these bulbs.
New technology has made these bulbs have instant brightness and have proven to make your room just as bright as the traditional incandescent archaic light bulbs. GE Lighting wants you to See the Light and help Mother Nature this Earth Day. These new bulbs are one way to start.
These are just 2 small and easy changes you can do that can make a huge difference in your energy consumption. You will use less electricity and not be caught in the dark. GE Lighting has a whole suite of bulbs for every room, so you can see the light, and not think twice.
Looking to save some money on replacing your bulbs? In celebration of Earth Day, GE lighting wants to help you “See the Light” when it comes to living a more eco-friendly life/having a more enegery-efficient home. Check out the GE Lighting Promo where there will be a coupon available this week!
Monday 22nd of April 2013
Thanks for linking up with my Earth Day linky! We try and keep lights/tv off when we don't need them on; I find myself constantly reminding my 5 yr old to turn off his bedroom light
Christine (@chancesmommy)
Monday 22nd of April 2013
Love it! Can't get more simple than that! :) Energy efficient bulbs in this household. The only way to go. xoxo
P.S. I'm married to a frugal farmer, so the turn off the lights part is second nature. LOL! Great post! About to catch up on some of your latest posts now :)
Jody @ Mommy Moment
Monday 22nd of April 2013
Sometimes the easiest things are the best! Glad you are catching up on some posts - it's been a fun and busy month!! xo
Monday 22nd of April 2013
I don't mind regular CFL bulbs, but these sound so much nicer! I can't wait to see how they work! :)
Jody @ Mommy Moment
Monday 22nd of April 2013
You'll have to let me know what you think of the new ones, I bet you'll love them!
Randa @ The Bewitchin' Kitchen
Monday 22nd of April 2013
I just bought a new house and I plan on making it eco friendly, I love how now with the energy efficient lights you have a choice on your "look".
Monday 22nd of April 2013
We only use this kind of lightbulb in our house! We've seen the difference in energy bills! Great post! :)