April 22 is no ordinary day. First of all, it is my sisters birthday, and for anyone who knows her, they would agree with me that her birthday falling on Earth day is a perfect match. She is 21 and her love for the gardening and nature is unlike any I have ever seen. It is my hope that our little girls will grow up with an appreciation for the earth too. In our home, although we recognize Earth day as a special day, we are also mindful to not forget about how important our earth is throughout the year.
On this Earth day we started the conversation with our daughters about gardening. Kate and Jane each have their very own square-foot garden. We discussed what plants they would be able to grow and let them think about which plants they want to take care of. It was so much fun seeing the excitement in their eyes and their non stop chitter-chatter about what each of them wanted to plant. We plan on letting our girls take care of the gardens themselves (with guidance from mom and dad). We believe that having them take ownership of their own piece of “land” where they can plant their own seeds, they will start to take an interest in the world around them. In fact we have even enrolled our oldest into a day camp this summer that educates the children about the world and all the plants, bugs and animals that are around them.
My husband and I bought into a local farmers co-op where we contribute towards farming costs and operations and we take a portion of the harvest from July to October. While will not have to plant as much at home this year, our girls love the idea of planing a seed and waiting and watching it grow. Since it is a bit too early in Manitoba to actually plant their gardens, they have been going out every day to check on the rhubarb plant, watching it grow and sprout in anticipation of rhubarb pie and crisps, mmmm.
Being naturally drawn to the outdoors has made me be more aware about our earth and how we need to protect it if we want it there for future generations. Growing up I can remember all the good times I had with my family in the outdoors, why would I want to take that away from them. Check out some tips on how to reuse and recycle from Dr. Laura Stachel.
Check out this fun Bird Seed hanger we made, the birds love it and the girls love watching the birds come close to the window, I’m surprised at the variety of beautiful birds we have seen!
Did you celebrate Earth day with your children?
Attention Little People fans, ‘cause Little People is coming to Treehouse- weekend mornings at 9am ET! The Little People series is about big discoveries as seen through the eyes of five little pre-schoolers with personalities as distinct as real children. It’s a world of wish fulfillment and wonder, where steam trains can fly off into the night sky.
“Disclosure: I am a Fisher-Price Mom and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.”
Monday 22nd of April 2013
that looks like a great bird feeder. I keep meaning to do something similar with the boys, but keep putting it off. Maybe this weekends project