Dear homeschool mom, don’t get caught in the comparing game. I have many friends who homeschool, so I wanted to have a post for these incredible homeschool moms, I hope you enjoy these tips from my friend.

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Moms are always comparing themselves to each other, and one area that I have noticed a lot of comparing is with homeschooling. I’ll admit that when I see homeschooling moms all over Facebook, it’s overwhelming. When I see all of the cool stuff they are up to, I look at my family and it’s amazing that we got dressed that day. I’m here to say to you, HOMESCHOOL MOM, don’t get caught in the comparing game.
Dear homeschool mom,
DO WHAT YOU’RE GOOD AT – I think the whole mom/homeschool mom war is out of control. You are not meant to be able to do what other women do. You are given gifts and talents for a reason. Don’t get discouraged, do what you’re good at. Relish in your gifts and know that your children adore YOU and your talents.
GET OFF SOCIAL MEDIA – Don’t sit there and feel bad that “Jenny’s” kids can do quantum physics. Your kids are built a different way and learn at a different pace. You’re not really being fair to yourself or your kids when you compare your homeschooling family to other families.
COMPARING YOURSELF ONLY HURTS – Homeschooling moms aren’t the only ones that compare themselves to others. It’s something everyone does, however, for the sake of your sanity, it needs to stop. Your kids need YOU as their mom/teacher, not someone else. You’re causing yourself unnecessary hurt by comparing/wishing/wanting something other than what you have.
MAKE CHANGES – While it’s easy to compare, you can make changes to better yourself. Maybe you WISH you were good at something you’re not. Who’s to say you can’t get better at it? Spend time setting goals for yourself and make one change at a time. Maybe your homeschool goal this week is to get up before 9AM and eat breakfast – what an awesome goal! Now get started on it and STOP wishing your family was “the family” who can get up and get going with ease.
Dear Homeschool Mom, don’t get caught up in the comparing game. You are awesome the way you are.

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Monday 22nd of August 2016
I think this post applies to all parents, not just homeschooling ones, we all need to stop comparing!