First of all there are lots of ways to make your summer cleanup a breeze and still take the time to spend time with the little kids and enjoy your time with them. Summer is a time for kids to learn. Learning about cleaning and the importance of cleaning can take place during the summer months. Teach your children by example, then delegate certain cleaning responsibilities to them. This may seem like a chore to them, however this is a perfect time to teach and help them learn about responsibility. Our girls love taking turns spraying Lysol Fabric Refresher on the blankets when we air them out on a hot summer day!
Kids learn that they can get rewarded once chores are done. (Don’t get me wrong here. Our girls have jobs they must do because they are a part of the family, without getting a reward). Some extra jobs mean extra fun (or reward) though…once everyone has done their chores, we go outside and take part in a family activity together. We try to encourage our children to help one another to make this process go quicker.
There are several benefits to cleaning as a family. Mainly it creates less work for mom overall and allows more time to enjoy the summer together. It also helps make your family work together. If a sibling needs help, encourage the bigger sister or brother to help. We also find having child sized cleaning supplies helps.
Also remember to not be as strict with the cleaning schedule over the summer. If you have children like most, they will be spending less time inside, therefore dirtying the house less (in theory). And do not be scared to rearrange your cleaning schedule for other summer events. If there is a spontaneous trip to the beach on cleaning day, then put your cleaning aside and enjoy the short summer as a family.
Summer is a time for families to be together and enjoying the short the time that they have off. Enjoy it. And do not forget that is not cleaning time, its family bonding time.
I must mention that I recently got a house cleaner. She is awesome. Unfortunately I can not afford for her to come here daily, so daily cleaning tasks as a family are a must to keep the house from complete chaos!
Disclosure: I am part of the Lysol® Healthy Families Ambassador Program by Mom Central. I received compensation as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.