Wow, this week was super busy and I almost forgot that I had to get rid of something. I decided to hit my bathroom and pull out samples and products that I really don’t need. I have friends and family who are more than willing to take things off my hands (or out of my house LOL).
I had just emptied our container of dishwasher tabs, so it was perfect to fill with the products I wanted to pass along.
Last week I gave away a winter jacket to someone who really needed one and I enjoyed seeing what some of my readers got rid of too!
I love following along to see what you did, this journey is so much fun to do together!
Shannon S.
Tuesday 31st of January 2012
I didn't do this yesterday, last week I got rid of all my "coffee" stuff. I bought a Tassimo at Christmas, so I had my old coffee maker, coffee, filters, etc. I boxed them all up and hubby donated them on Sunday.
Lynn Briggs
Monday 30th of January 2012
I am always getting rid of STUFF... and my house always seems FULL ..haha , Some stuff I"m boxing for someone when they move out. Other stuff I just give away for the sake of getting rid of it. I enjoy doing a good purge!! :D
Honey @ Sunflower Schoolhouse
Monday 30th of January 2012
This is such a great idea for a weekly meme. I am so glad I found it.
Blessings Honey
Katrina Brady
Monday 30th of January 2012
I can't believe it's week 4 already. This week, I had to get rid of something cute :( Aahh well, at least it's not in my basement :) Good job, Jody! That's a load of samples you gave away
Monday 30th of January 2012
Got rid of a bag of computer accessories - salvation Army.