BUSY – That word does NOT have to define you. Do you find yourself with a never ending to-do list? Are you always on-the-go? Life has many obligations and, if you allow it, the busyness of life can define who you are! BUT being busy does NOT have to define you.

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JUST SAY NO! : While it may be hard, if you say yes to every person in the world, you won’t ever have time for yourself. You don’t have to pick up and drop off your niece and nephew at school. You don’t have to volunteer to come into your child’s school 4 days a week. You don’t have to be the nursery worker every Sunday morning at Church. You can say no!
TAKE DAYS OFF : Even if it will make you busier on other days, it is important to take a day off just to have a break. Schedule time in your schedule to not be busy. On your days off, do things you enjoy like sleeping in, relaxing, or spending time at home.
LET THINGS GO : This is a tough one for me! Just because you don’t have all the laundry done, the dishes washed, or the house cleaned doesn’t mean that it HAS to get done. Try to let things go instead of constantly worrying about getting them done. Your house doesn’t have to be spotless and the laundry and dishes can wait.
DON’T TAKE ON MORE : When you already have a full plate, taking on an extra activity isn’t doing you or anyone else any favors. Decide what you want to do most in your life and let the rest of it go. If you are busy 7 days a week, it may be time to reevaluate your life and determine what you want to keep on your schedule and what has to go.
The demands of life can be hard, but they shouldn’t be all that defines you! What tips do you have to be less busy?

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