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Beautiful women & the chorus of crickets

I meet a lot of people. Every week someone asks me why I do not blog more about my true passion…encouraging women.

While on a trip with Van Houtte Coffee in Old Montreal this past week, I was asked the question AGAIN. I decided at that moment I would blog about it.

Beautiful women : Mommy Moment(Beautiful ladies pictured above are: Me: @MommyMomentBlog, Mijune: @FollowMeFoodie, Jeanette: @KickPleat, Tanis: @RedneckMommy & Karen: @Tinybites).

I have found my “encouraging” voice when talking with people in real life and have also found a way to encourage women on Twitter and Facebook, yet when it comes to encouraging women here on my blog,


I have tried to find the right fit here by writing Mission Beautiful posts, but I feel that connection piece is missing. When someone reads what I write I want them to know that it is heartfelt and real. I want every woman who reads Mommy Moment to know that they are incredible and beautiful women. I want them to know how special they really are…

Ok, don’t fall asleep here.

I mean it.

Instead of giving up, I decided to try again. I want my blog to be a place that YOU can come at any moment and know that you are welcome here. When my blog loads, I want you to instantly feel that you have come to a place where you are welcome just how you are. I want you to know that you are beautiful, amazing and although not perfect, you are accepted.

I bet every woman reading this now could easily list many things they do not love about themselves. Yet if I asked them to list what they loved about themselves I have a feeling the crickets would be taking over.

I really want to challenge each of you to leave a comment here telling me some things that you like about yourself. Yes, I realize that I am opening myself up to the chorus of crickets, but it doesn’t matter. I am willing to take that chance.

It has taken me the last 7 years to finally believe that I am a beautiful and incredible woman. My hope is that I can encourage you to take the road of positive self talk and help you realize how incredible you are. I am not promising that every day will be easy, I am telling you that I am here for you cheering you along!

If you really are not able to tell me things that you like about yourself, take time to leave me a comment about the struggles you do face. It is hard when we do not have a place to be open and share.

Be sure to pop by the Mommy Moment Facebook Page every morning with your cup of java for a moment to connect with other women!

A. E.

Tuesday 8th of November 2011

Well . . .I can take things very calmly. Thanks for posting! You are so not a fail, and good for you!

Mommy Moment

Tuesday 8th of November 2011

Having a calm nature is a great quality! Thanks for posting a comment beautiful :)

Nancy T

Tuesday 8th of November 2011

Thanks to the world of twitter (that I've recently become a part of) I found your blog and it I truly feel welcomed and inspired. I love that I'm an optimist and see the good in all things! No mater the situation I'm encountered with, no matter how terrible, there is a reason that it happened and I'm able to put a positive spin on it.

Mommy Moment

Tuesday 8th of November 2011

I'm glad you feel welcomed here Nancy! Sometimes life is really tough, I'm glad that you always try to see the positive...remember that it is ok to cry thought too :)


Tuesday 8th of November 2011

You finally did it!! I feel like I'm talking to you again! You are truly a kind person that I am so lucky to have met. Keep in touch and I hope this is one of many inspirational posts I will see from you!! xoxox

Mommy Moment

Tuesday 8th of November 2011

Mijune, Yes, I did it! Thanks for the push :) I am so thankful we had the opportunity to meet. You are a pretty incredible woman, always remember that!


Monday 7th of November 2011

I love that I have the ability to have a great conversation with absolutely anyone. I believe it's because I am always honestly interested in what other people have to say. And I also believe that every woman is beautiful and that the world would be a much better place if we all realized that!

Mommy Moment

Tuesday 8th of November 2011

Well said Kathryn! You are a sweetheart :)


Monday 7th of November 2011

oh let's see, I love my honesty and caring spirit. I believe in being kind just for the sake of being kind. I'm fun and fiesty and have pretty little toes! ;) You are pretty damn awesome yourself!

Mommy Moment

Tuesday 8th of November 2011

LOL, you are a pretty funny girl Jennifer :) Thanks for commenting!