Christmas, birthday parties, baby and wedding showers, these special occasions are usually attended with a gift in hand. I love giving gifts that show I put thought into the purchase. I love celebrations and gift giving, but I have to admit that some people are really hard to shop for!
My parents and my in-laws are the hardest people for me to shop for. Maybe it is because they already own most of the things they would like to have. They have had more years to purchase and collect the items they want and need.
This past Christmas I decided to get my mom something she would use actually use. My mom works in a small combined hospital/nursing home and is required to wear a uniform to work. She always finds great deals on used uniforms or ones on the sale rack and although she always looks great, I’m pretty sure she has never bought one from an actual uniform shop. Medical Nursing Scrubs may not be the typical Christmas gift, but they turned out to be a perfect gift for my mom. It was a practical gift that I knew she would use and I know that she appreciated the thought that went into it.
Who is that hard to shop for person in your life?
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