The Practical Life Area in a Montessori Classroom or Montessori Home may look very simple, but it’s purposes are a foundation for Montessori Work and Materials throughout education. Each area of Practical Life carries the same goals for the child- the direct aims of Coordination, Cooperation, Concentration, and Independence. Everything here has its place, which contributes to a child’s sense of internal and external order.
1) Physical Skills: Pouring, Scooping/Spooning, Squeezing, Twisting, and Bead Stringing/Lacing
2) Care of Self- getting snack, putting on a coat, dressing self, tying shoe, brushing teeth
3) Care of Environment- polishing, sweeping, care of home/class animals and plants
4) Grace and Courtesy- hand shaking, hellos/goodbyes, thank you
5) Food Preparation- following a recipe, cutting fruits and vegetables, measurements.
The work is done in an order sequence to prepare the student for reading by working from left to right, top to bottom. Even the way the entire Montessori classroom is set up in order of difficulty left to right, top to bottom- relative to the way most languages read.
Jessie is a Primary Montessori Teacher and Mom to twin three year olds and a five year old. Jessie has a Montessori blog at The Education of Ours, and can be found on Twitter.
Deb @ Living Montessori Now
Sunday 27th of November 2011
I love your collage of photos, Jessie! Practical life skills are so important, and you do a fabulous job of incorporating them in your home (and I'm sure in your classroom as well)!
Clancy Harrison MS, RD, LDN
Thursday 24th of November 2011
I am your newest fan! Twitter, FB and Blog! Love it. Our daughter goes to Montessori and I really feel she is a better person because of her experience! I also have learned so much about parenting! They are a great help.
Thanks, Clancy