Ahhhh, Spring. The season that we all seem to look forward to the most. Warmer weather, birds chirping, and finally being able to spend hours outdoors. For us, spring means soccer, baseball and family walks for ice cream. But what can you do outside in spring with your little one?
I remember being a first time mom with a 9 month old in spring. It was hard because while she wanted to crawl around on the grass – which would have resulted in a muddy and wet baby – I wasn’t ready to clean up that mess. So I had to think of some fun things we could do that didn’t involve the puddles and mud that accompanies the warmer weather. Here are 4 Things to do with your little one in Spring:

kids image via Shutterstock
#1) GO FOR WALKS. That first spring, my daughter and I walked everywhere. We are situated in the perfect place in our town that everything is within walking distance. We walked and met my mom for breakfast. We walked to the store to pick up a few groceries. We walked around town enjoying the weather and seeing how many dogs we could spot. If you live out of town, drive to town and meet with other moms of young children and walk together.
#2) FIND A PARK WITH BABY SWINGS. My daughter loved to swing. So we found parks that had baby swings and spent some time just swinging and enjoying the sunshine. My daughter loved these mornings and could have spent all day in the swing. Also, a lot of parks now have smaller areas that are more suitable for toddlers or young children.
#3) LET YOUR BABY EXPLORE. On days when the weather is dryer, why not let them crawl around on the grass and explore. Let them find treasures in the grass like leaves and sticks (but watch out for dog poop!)
#4) USE YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY. On rainy/colder days, head to your local library and spend time reading. Our library has a great little kids area with board books perfect for younger kids and even a few toys to keep them occupied.
What outdoor activities do you have planned with your baby/toddler when the weather gets warmer?
Disclosure: I receive special perks as a part of my affiliation with the Playtex Mom Trust program. The opinions on this blog are my own.
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image via Shutterstock
Monday 28th of April 2014
ADORABLE photos!!! I just love all of your ideas and we will be doing them.
Wednesday 16th of April 2014
Love park hoping!!!! We have become pro's
Darlene W
Wednesday 9th of April 2014
Spring is jumping in puddles with my grandchildren!
Angela @ Mommy Moment
Thursday 10th of April 2014
Darlene, that sounds like a lot of fun!
Parent Club
Tuesday 8th of April 2014
Going to the park is one of our fav. Spring activities too!
Angela @ Mommy Moment
Wednesday 9th of April 2014
So much to see and do at the park!
Chandra Christine O'Connor
Monday 7th of April 2014
adorable. I dont have any toddlers or babies anymore my youngest will be graduating from university in june