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Wooden Tabletop Theater from Guidecraft Gives Your Child Freedom to Use Their Imagination

My daughter has shown a real interest in writing plays.  She especially LOVES preforming plays that she has written for family and friends.  So the Wooden Tabletop Theater from Guidecraft ($59.95) was the perfect addition to her playroom.

Wooden Tabletop Theater

Since we have received the Wooden Tabletop Theater, she has been writing puppet shows and preforming them for me, her dad and brother.

hippo puppet

The Wooden Tabletop Theater has two sign options:

1)  a Puppet Theater sign

2)  and a chalkboard that your little one can personalized with what they want.  Use this wooden table top theater as a store front, lemonade stand, or to showcase your next puppet show!

changeable sign

The wooden tabletop theater, also comes with a clock with moveable hands.  This clock can be used by your little ones to tell you when their next show will be put on, or you can help teach your little one how to tell time on a non-digital clock.


My daughter’s favorite features of the wooden theatre, are the interior storage pocket for her puppets and the fact that it has red curtains “which make it look like a REAL theater!”  My favorite features of the wooden theater are that it folds flat for storage and gives her such a great outlet to showcase her imagination.

Giveaway Moment:


You can enter to win a Wooden Tabletop Theater from fellow Guidecraft educator Teach Preschool.

Guidecraft Educator

Be sure to pop by the other Guidecraft Educator Blogs and see their reviews too.  (Some reviews may not be published yet so please check back)…

Tabletop Theater Review 3 | the Guidecraft toy blog

Tuesday 25th of June 2013

[...] Mommy Moment Review – Read it here [...]

Chandra Christine O'Connor

Wednesday 12th of June 2013

love this so cute

Suzanne Smith

Tuesday 11th of June 2013

Love it! i have all the Muppets from the 70s and 80s in my collection and this would be a great way to put on plays for the kids...other than from behind a sofa.