Today we are going to talk about how to raise respectful children. We all know that many children today are lacking respect. Respect for their country, respect for their parents and respect for others. Raising children is no easy task, but it is always important to teach them what respect means.

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Before I continue, I have to admit that I fail at many of these, and I need grace and forgiveness on a daily basis. These tips are just as much for me as they are for the next person. We all need to try our very best, and at the end of the day, that is what matters most.
4 ways to raise respectful children in all aspects of their life:
MODEL RESPECT IN YOUR OWN LIFE: I don’t know about you, but when I was younger, I got the “Do what I say not what I do,” statement a lot. This may be good in theory, but in reality, your kids are going to do what they see you doing. If you want your kids to show respect to you and others, you must show them what respect means through your actions. Use your manners when asking for things and treat others with respect.
DISCIPLINE DISRESPECTFUL BEHAVIOR: When your child yells something disrespectful, don’t just brush it off. Talk to your child about what they did. Set consequences for disrespectful behavior. Whether they lose privileges, get a time out, or have another consequence, make sure your child knows what disrespectful behavior is and that you won’t tolerate it. (You may like this Teaching Kids “More than Sorry” post)
KEEP YOUR STANDARDS HIGH: You may be the bad guy to your kids and even other adults and parents, but it is important to keep your standards high when it comes to respect. Teach your kids that they can have different opinions, feel upset, or not like something without being disrespectful. A great way to redirect disrespect is to ask for a respectful response.
EXPECT YOUR KIDS TO HELP OUT: Respect isn’t just a matter of what you say, it is also a reflection of what you do. If you want your kids to help the little old lady next door with her groceries, or help those less fortunate, you have to expect them to help out around the house. Give your kids chores and encourage them to help when someone is struggling. It is common courtesy and respectful to help those in need.
If you want to raise respectful children, you have to show them what respect means.

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Saturday 13th of March 2021
Did all this and still do it and still ended up with a teen with problems with authority. Waiting this out is all there is.
Angela September
Thursday 21st of July 2016
SO many parents forget these simple rules for raising good human beings ... so thank you
Alayne Langford
Monday 6th of June 2016
In this case you are right to lead by example and show respect for others and their property.