September was a fun month and I have a lot of pictures to show you!
Our girls started school, beginning of third grade, and start of kindergarten for my youngest. They also had another first – their first time taking part in the Ivivva Dance Classes.
This September, I also had the opportunity to meet the other Fisher-Price Moms in Toronto. We had a fun filled day behind the scenes of seeing how the Mike The Knight shows are made, and of course, meeting Mike was a highlight. (I also walked through downtown Toronto to a police station – it was a pretty funny experience, and it all ended well. A fellow mom had lost her drivers license, so she needed to get an incident report number in order to catch her flight – thanks for the memories Dani & Caroline).
September also means canning is full swing in our house – this month I added salsa, plum jam and tomato paste to what I had already canned last month. I also made fruit rolls for the kids for their school lunches, and they were such a hit.
We spent a weekend at my in-laws (Kookum & Papa to my girls). The colors on their hobby farm are gorgeous this time of year. The girls loved playing with the alpacas and sleeping in the little piggy tent in the living room.
Kate turned 8 this month. She celebrated with her friends at the local gymnastics club. She wanted to invite all the girls in her class, so renting the gymnastics club was a perfect solution for that many girls. The girls had so much fun – I can see myself having future parties for my girls there for sure.
I am loving the view from my front porch – I am spending as much time as I can out there before the colder weather hits and I have to say goodbye to it till Spring. My girls are getting used to their extra curricular activities, and they are still loving the nut-free bars for school.
We had such a busy month, packed with many new memories.
What are some of your September highlights?
Here is our August month in photos post.
Sunday 8th of March 2015
I am 11 and I love ivivva to I wish we could be friends email me some time :)
Parent Club
Wednesday 2nd of October 2013
I think a police station shot is missing from the Toronto collage ;-)
Jody @ Mommy Moment
Wednesday 2nd of October 2013
I agree LOL - Why did we not take one since we were there too?!
Judy C (Cowan)
Tuesday 1st of October 2013
Wow, looks like you had a very busy month! Great pictures!
Jody @ Mommy Moment
Tuesday 1st of October 2013
Thanks Judy!! It was a busy month :)
Monday 30th of September 2013
busy month! looking forward to seeing you this week!
Jody @ Mommy Moment
Monday 30th of September 2013
It sure was busy, but fun. I can't wait to see you in just a few sleeps - beyond excited!!! (insert crazy girl scream LOL)