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Lovable Lunch ~ 3’s theme

Today we went with a 3’s theme for Kate’s Lovable Lunch. Lovable Lunch : Mommy Moment

Her Lunch Included:

  • 3 cucumbers
  • 3 orange slices
  • 3 dried apricots
  • 3 mini baking chips
  • 3 pieces celery
  • 3 cheese pieces
  • 3 pretzel crackers
  • 3 homemade 1/2 sandwiches pockets

This Fun lunch was packed in a Planet Box.

Whitney at It's Gravy, Baby!

Tuesday 24th of January 2012

What a great lunch!


Friday 13th of January 2012

Yum! So pretty!


Friday 13th of January 2012

How do you seal the sandwiches? My kids are picky and the no peanuts thing is a pain sometimes, what do you put in them?

Cheryl Chere

Friday 13th of January 2012

I want to come have lunch with you

Mommy Moment

Friday 13th of January 2012

That would be fun ;)