Earlier this summer, my husband and I spent some time travelling which included time spent in airports during layovers and time spent on airplanes. During one of our layovers, while we were sitting at a restaurant enjoying a meal, I noticed a little girl walk by with her parents. This little girl was pulling not one, but TWO, small carry-on suitcases!! At one point she stopped to open them up and they were full of stuffed animals, coloring books and snacks. Shouldn’t there be an easier, less bulky way?
There is!
Emirates airline has great Kid’s Packs to keep your little one entertained in the airport and on the plane. The kit comes in this handy, great sized backpack.
This backpack includes stuffed animals for your little one to play and cuddle with, a puppet to entertain, and a sleep mask and blanket for those nap-times or night-times spent in the air.
Also in the backpack is a travel journal, kids magazine, wallet, colored pencils, magnet doodler and a Dr. Suess book!
Once I unpacked the backpack to investigate what was all inside, I thought that there was NO way the contents would all fit nicely back into the bag. But I was wrong. Not only did all the items fit back into the backpack, but there is even room to stash a couple of snacks.
While this kid’s pack is designed for air travel and layovers in airports, I will be trying it out later on this summer on our family road trip!
Want to WIN a Emirates Kid’s Pack? 1 lucky Mommy Moment reader will have that chance!
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Jonnie (JB)
Sunday 26th of August 2012
I have flown many times with my kids. It can be a real challenge.
Robyn B.
Sunday 26th of August 2012
Yes, I have.
Judy Williams
Sunday 26th of August 2012
Not yet but plan to this year
Fan R.
Sunday 26th of August 2012
Yes traveled to Europe by KLM this summer teddyoutready2(at)gmail(dot)com
Sunday 26th of August 2012
We travel often with our grandchildren!