Warning…this post will be more Wordful than Wordless.
Kate is 6. She will be 7 later this fall.
Kate expressed an interest in blogging about a year ago. At the time I thought she was a bit young and thought it was a phase. Her passion did not seem to leave, so about 4 months ago her daddy and I sat down and talked to her about why she wanted a blog. She said that she would like to start a blog in the summer as a summer project. Since she goes to an ALL French school she said she wanted to practice her reading and writing in English during the summer and she thought blogging would be a good way to do that. (She is a thinker, a bit of an over-thinker…just like her mama LOL).
Kate spent 3 months doing extra jobs around the house and saving money to get started. She bought a journal at the local dollar store and started writing out ideas that she wanted for her blog. What the name of it would be, what she wanted the design to look like and what things she wanted to write about. She decided she would use some money to buy the blog name (she wanted a .ca like mommy has), some money to hire someone to make her blog design, and some money to pay for the shipping of some free business cards that would make.
Yes, she is only six.
After the 3 months her daddy and I agreed that she had shown dedication and passion and we would let her start her blog.
Kate picked the name Kate And Jane because she said her sister is her best friend and that way when she gets older she can blog with her too if she wants to. She got the background for the blog made and ordered some free vista print cards to give to her friends and family.
Kate says she wants to blog a few times a week, but not everyday like mommy LOL.
Blogging is quite the process for Kate. She is detail driven. She first writes out the post in her journal (which is usually 2-3 sentences) in English the best she can. Then I edit her post in her journal. Then she types the edited version into a word document and I copy it into her blog for her. She takes pictures or chooses which pictures to use as well.
I have to admit I am pleased with her dedication. I couldn’t care less what she writes or how much she writes. I am proud of her for trying something she wanted to do even though it is not easy for her to do in another language. She has only written a few posts and already I can see her finger typing a little faster!
Kate often asks me if I know of other kids blogs because she wants to try to read them. She says it is fun to read about other kids. She has found a few she enjoys reading. Then yesterday she asked me to tell my blogging friends about her blog KateAndJane.ca because maybe they have kids who would like to read a blog too, and maybe some people would leave her a comment on her blog and she would like that.
Tuesday 31st of July 2012
What an awesome way to learn how to write!
Maybe Mommy can retire from blogging when she makes it BIG!
Thanks for hosting!
Practical Parenting
Friday 27th of July 2012
This could not be cuter!!!! Love it.
Jody @ Mommy Moment
Friday 27th of July 2012
Thanks Katie, It was such a huge step for me to let her do this...they grow up WAY TO FAST!
Thursday 26th of July 2012
Just incredible. I am nearly too moved for words! :) Your daughter's dedication and passion are simply admirable, as is your support of her endeavours. You are a wonderful Mom!
I left her a comment on her WW post. What a beautiful blog!
Jody @ Mommy Moment
Thursday 26th of July 2012
Oh thank-you Raegan, She will LOVE that you left her a comment. I'm so proud of her too :)
paula schuck
Wednesday 25th of July 2012
That is incredible! I have a daughter who wants to blog. She swears up and down she is gonna do it. But I am soooo reluctant to permit it. She really has an interest in in too. Also is in French immersion as your daughter is. She started showing interest last year, but I worry this will end up my project and also I worry some miserable kid or stalker will spam her or generally be creepy.
Wednesday 25th of July 2012
Awwwwwww! I love it! That is too cute...and so awesome! Love, love, love it! Please congratulate her for us!