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Chicken Soup for the Soul ~ Stay at Home Moms #giveaway {3 Winners}

As most of us are aware, Chicken Soup for the Soul is a series of books that features 101 short, inspirational stories  focused towards a certain group of people or age group.  With over 200 titles there is a book for everyone is every stage of life.

I am a stay-at-home mom.  This stage in a woman’s life brings the most demanding and sometimes loneliest work day in and day out.  Chicken Soup has come out with a great book for this stage in life – Chicken Soup for the Soul ~ Stay at Home Moms.

These multi-tasking, high-performing women do it all, from caring for children, pets and husbands, to running their households, volunteering, and working from home!  That pretty much sums it up.  Right from the first chapter this book talks about how women, although they are born multi-taskers, need to take a step back and re-evaluate their lives.

Some of the great topics in this book include:

– Making the decision to stay home

– Creating at-home jobs and businesses

– Finding joy and self-esteem every day

– The power of friendship and sharing

I loved reading about these topics.  Especially the power of friendship stories and the finding joy and self-esteem topics.  Living in Manitoba, Canada the winters can get very cold and it becomes hard to take our kids out on a daily basis.  These encouraging stories are there to help us see the sun on cloudy and cold days and remind us that our friends are more than likely going through the same struggles.


3 Mommy Moment readers will win a copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul ~ Stay at Home Moms.

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Judy Williams

Sunday 24th of June 2012

I'm a stay at home Grandma - but my daughter has just had her 2nd baby (one 19 month old and one 4 day old) and I know she would really love this book as she's trying to stay home while the kids are young.

Melissa Tippie

Friday 22nd of June 2012

I'm a stay-at-home mom/housewife. I love my family! I also love to read! Would really enjoy reading this book!!

Anu Chopra

Friday 22nd of June 2012

I am a stay-at-home mom to my sons - ages 6 and 8.


Thursday 21st of June 2012

just wrapping up my mat. leave :(

Elva Roberts

Thursday 21st of June 2012

June 22-Yes; I was a Stay-at -Home Mom until all my children left home.-el03ro Then I went back to school and entered the work force until I retired.