Last month I wrote about Boston Pizza and how great it is that they are a family restaurant. A restaurant where you can feel comfortable bringing your kids and still have a nice dining out experience.
Not only is Boston Pizza a kid friendly place to take your family out for lunch or supper, but they have some fantastic programs that they want to involve your child (and your child’s school) in!
I view reading as an important part of a child’s education, and Boston Pizza does too! They are strong believers in developing learning in kids and have a Partners in Reading program.
The Partners in Reading program is a program set up for local schools by Boston Pizza to encourage elementary students to read outside of school. The program is really quite simple. The student must read (or be read to — a great bonding time for parent & child) for a minimum of 20 times (20 minutes each time) over the course of a month. Each student is given a reading log where they can keep track of how many minutes they’ve read. At the end of the month, the parent signs the reading log and it gets handed in to the child’s teacher who then presents the child with a certificate for a FREE Boston Pizza Kid’s Meal!! If the whole school participates in this program for a 6 month period, Boston Pizza will donate $500 to the school library!
Since many elementary schools already have daily reading requirements, this would be the perfect program to instill. I would love to see our local schools get involved with this program. Something to bring up with The Parent Council for sure!
Another great program for schools/day cares/groups is the School Tours. The goal of these tours is to provide elementary school-aged children with a fun, hands-on learning experience.
During a 90 minute tour (and only $3.99 per child) you can expect the following:
- discussion on health, nutrition and the 4 food groups
- food preparation, safety issues, the importance of cleanliness and science in the kitchen
- education in the roles of kitchen team members and responsibilities in a restaurant
- PLUS each child will have the chance to make their own kid’s size pizza and dine in the restaurant. They will also receive a drink and cookie!
Boston Pizza can also provide hot lunch to your school. They have 15 delicious menu choices for every kid, which means 15 nutritious choices for their parents. All menu items are individually labelled, packaged and delivered to each school at the requested time.
Don’t forget to enter our Family Night Out giveaway from Boston Pizza Steinbach! This giveaway ends on Sunday October 13, 2013 @ 11:00pm CST.
Thank you Boston Pizza for taking an interest in children’s lives!
Nena Sinclair
Friday 11th of October 2013
Boston Pizza has always been great when it comes to kid's reading programs and other children's charities, too! I love them for that <3