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I love being a mom. It’s the most rewarding job I’ve ever had. BUT, after a long day of listening to screaming kids, having snotty noses wiped on my shirt and hearing the word “why?” for the hundredth time, I NEED to recharge my batteries. I need some Mommy Me Time.

me time ideas for moms

As I was brainstorming for this article a saw a tweet pass by in my stream. I quickly went back to re-read it.  (I messaged Tara for her permission to use the tweet, and she was thrilled to have me include it.)

me time

Every mom needs some time to rejuvenate.


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1.) Take a nap

2.) Go for a walk or run

3.) Listen to music with headphones

4.) Get a pedicure, manicure or massage

5.) Read a book

6.) Go out with the girls

7.) Take a hot shower or bubble bath

8.) Hit the local library or bookstore

9.) Call a friend

10.) Go to the gym or practice some yoga at home

11.) Write, draw or color a picture

12.) Enjoy a mug of tea

13.) Visit a greenhouse or florist shop

14.) Watch a movie

15.) Scrapbook or look through old photographs

16.) Bake

17.) Crochet, quilt, or sew

18.) Spend some time in meditation/prayer

19.) Perform a random act of kindness

20.) Do a crossword puzzle or word search game

21.) Feed the birds

22.) Enjoy a glass of wine

23.) Starbucks or Tim Horton’s anyone?

24.) Go on a date with your man

25.) Organize your closet

What are your favorite me time ideas?

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I am a Mom Blogger for Loblaws Baby and You.

Tiffany Goddard

Monday 15th of August 2016

I am a new blogger and have struggled with 'me time' a lot lately so it inspired a post! I love your ideas and am going to link this list to my blog ( Thank you for your great content! Looking forward to following your blog for inspiration :)


Sunday 7th of August 2011

get my hair done!! cut & color..a facial or spa day would be nice =)

Jessie, Education of Ours

Wednesday 3rd of August 2011

Oh yes, its my morning routine. After breakfast and book snuggles, we go outside where I out my feet up and read. Thank heavens for independent girls. This summer I blew through my reading list quick!


Monday 1st of August 2011

Oh, I'm no rookie. I grab my iPod, a good book, a snack, a glass of wine, my nail kit...and get in a tub of bubbles! gotta live up to that blog title! Great list!!


Monday 1st of August 2011

Great list!! I particularly like getting a pedicure, going to the library/bookstore, the gym or yoga, as those are the ones I do every so often. But my hubby and I seriously need to go on a date ASAP!!

Mommy Moment

Monday 1st of August 2011

Thanks Lala, I just went for a pedicure with my mom. It was her first time!