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More Than Good Enough

Pin-worthy? Maybe not. But fun and cute, just the same.


A few months ago it seemed like there was a heavy focus on competition among moms.  The media loves a good conflict, and jumped at the chance to get moms talking/fighting about who works harder and various other things.

It worked, for a few weeks.

But then we all went back to our lives.

Because, at the end of the day, we have kids to raise, jobs to do, and laundry to clean.  There’s only so much time for debating.

But lately, I’ve noticed a new trend in the world of blogging.

There’s a negative vibe out there right now, but this time it’s self-imposed.

(Not that anyone is admitting to that last part.)

Twice in the last week I’ve read posts questioning whether or not Pinterest makes moms feel like “bad moms”.  Seriously?

I know these posts are written partly in jest but, still, the feeling must lurk beneath the surface to make it post-worthy.

Does it make me less of a mom if I’m not as crafty as some?

Do the amount of original crafts I create increase my mom-ish-ness?

Will my kids be smarter, better adjusted, or more prepared for school if I create more amazing and pin-worthy crafts?

Are moms really thinking about this?

If so, it makes me a little bit sad.

I must admit that I do enjoy Pinterest.  I love the crafts, the beautiful photography, and the birthday party ideas.

I love to scroll through my feed and see what others are up to.

But it’s never once occurred to me that I’m not doing enough as a mom because other people are doing more crafting, baking, or homeschooling projects.

The truth is, we are probably doing about the same amount.  I just don’t necessarily have the time, energy, or pretty pictures to pin.

I’m not sure when motherhood became a sport.  When did sides emerge, and where is the scoreboard anyway?  Is there a trophy to be won?

Do we need to measure ourselves against pretty pictures found on an online pin board?

I think not.

Parenting is hard.  And yes, it’s inevitable that we all stop and think about our choices at times.  That’s part of being a parent.

But comparing ourselves to others and wondering if we measure up based on what other parents choose to put out there?

That’s a dangerous game.  One that has the potential to cause some serious damage to our Mom-Esteem.

I say we all agree to enjoy the beautiful parenting moments we read about online or see on Pinterest, but then remind ourselves that we are doing an amazing job too.

Because your best is your best, and that’s more than good enough.

What do you say, moms, are you with me?



Wednesday 2nd of May 2012

I've noticed a lot of posts about Pinterest making people feel bad about themselves too. I have to say, I don't get it. Maybe it's because I've always known I'm not the most craftiest or creative person. I don't try to measure myself to other people but I enjoy being inspired by others. I try not to measure my parenting based on what others put out there because it's only a small fraction of what their life is really like. The best we can do is perfect through the eyes of our children!


Monday 30th of April 2012

I am absolutely with you!


Sunday 29th of April 2012

Most definitely! Collaborations not competition, from parenting to teaching!


Friday 27th of April 2012

I've felt that way as well. Hang in there, you're doing better than you think!


Thursday 26th of April 2012

Interesting post; it does seem like anytime people share it now is a reason for people to compete or compare or feel bad because they didn't do the same or better, or with an additional frill, or standing on their heads. Why is it this way? Why can't people celebrate each other's gifts without diminishing their own or vice versa? I don't remember this culture of competition growing up or the feeling that everything one puts out there has to be tiptoed around. Such an anxiety ridden climate we are living in now, where people can't just let each other and their own selves just be.