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10 month old baby listed in the classifieds

I thought this would be a perfect post for Wordless Wednesday, because when I saw this online yesterday..I was WORDLESS

I had to take a screen shot…

Baby listed in the classifieds : Mommy Moment
(I noticed that the ad had been removed this morning…)

UPDATE: (March 4th – The ad was put back up!!!!!!! Here is the direct link). 

UPDATE (March 10th – The ad is back up AGAIN and I am just plain FRUSTRATED!)

:: Good Girl Gone Green » Best Buddies :: 

Tuesday 13th of March 2012

[...] life, Mom vs the boys, It’s ok to be weird, Tara’s view of the world, My organized chaos, Mommy moment, Toronto teacher mom, Live and love out loud, Mama to 4 blessings, Project Alicia, Claire [...]

:: Good Girl Gone Green » Not a Care in the World :: 

Tuesday 6th of March 2012

[...] life, Mom vs the boys, It’s ok to be weird, Tara’s view of the world, My organized chaos, Mommy moment, Toronto teacher mom, Live and love out loud, Mama to 4 blessings, Project Alicia, Claire [...]

Tricia Nightowlmama

Monday 5th of March 2012

That is ILLEGAL and I'm sure that the authorizes will come after them


Sunday 4th of March 2012

Apparently it is a scam that hackers are using to try to get into the site

Practical Parenting

Sunday 4th of March 2012

Wow. Speechless. Just speechless.